1. My kids were on vacation for a week - I got out of my groove.
2. I'm finishing the book; I can't be bothered elsewhere, I might run out of interesting things
3. I'm moving.
Okay, so number 3 is a biggie, but none of them are true reasons. No, in the last three weeks I have ignored every one of my own work life balance tips. I have been unfocused- entering into time sinks of blogs, articles and email when I sat down to work. Having lots open unrelated to the project I was working on and clicking back and forth.
Playing Sudoku on my iPhone instead of writing ( I like to blame my husband for putting it on my phone, but that's just one more excuse). Listening to the daily show while working online (not one episode more like ten.). Actually trying to work without a to do list so that I was so overwhelmed by what needed to get done that u ended up doing nothing.
I didn't unplug, focus my time, organize my to dos, set aside time for me to do something just for me, or look at the big goals. And while at first it was fun and valuable to just take a break. By last weeks end I was feeling pretty lousy about where I was. So here I am back at Monday again. I have organized my to do list into quadrants, deleted my Sudoku app from my iPhone, and returned to where I want to be.
An hour and a half into my list I've already checked off three tasks, when I finish this it will be four. I feel like me again and like I can manage my balance. And if I can keep on track u look forward to lunch with a good friend on Friday and maybe even a little shopping after. It's going to be a great week.
Just like anyone who wants to be organize, you use your mighty pen and paper. Cheers!
Posted by: Mark@Alcohol Calorie Counter | 07/13/2010 at 01:29 AM